Monday, July 28, 2008

July 19, 2008 Wedding

I loved this Bride's Cake. It came from Bumdoodler's. As always they did a great job!
The second shot is that cool feature I like to play with on the camera.

A unique shot from the grooms room. The photographer laid
on the ground below the girls as they looked over her.
The favors around the rose petals were a film strip of the bride and groom which gave
the guests details on where to view their wedding photos. To kick off the dance the
bride's grandparents led The Grand March. This picture is towards the end when they
make the "bridge". It was alot of fun to watch!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't see any pictures of that AMAZING wedding you had there on Feb 29th?!?!? How strange... :(

I DID however have a friend bring a Bridal Magazine over to my house (she's getting married next March) to show me a picture of my wedding in The Marquardt Ranch I guess that makes it fair that I'm not on your blog!!! But -- OMG, I was so excited about seeing myself in a magazine!!! :)